SIU was established pursuant to Public Prosecution Decision No. (8) of 2012. In accordance with Article 4 of the decision, its jurisdiction is limited to investigating and dealing with allegations of torture, abuse and cruel treatment, by determining criminal responsibility against the involved public officials, including those with leadership positions under the principle of leadership responsibility
Moreover, referral to the competent administrative authority if its investigations conclude that disciplinary responsibility has been established, for that authority to take its measures regarding imposing a disciplinary penalty.
SIU jurisdiction with regard to criminal cases in the crimes subject of its jurisdiction extends to challenging rulings by the methods established in the Code of Criminal Procedure, which are appeal before the appellate court and then the Cassation court. Reasons for its appeal are based on what may be marred by the judgment in the application of the law or a lack of reasoning or evidentiary.
According to the nature of SIU establishment, its formation, and its terms of reference decision, it is an independent judicial body within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and represents the main guarantee for the protection of human rights in the criminal justice system. Not only it is considered unique in the region, but also one of the few agencies in the world that investigates such allegations.